Category: ogsm

  • Selling From the Stage. How to be Seen as the Thought Leader part one | Ep 49

    Mark and Matt discuss how not to be seen as a vendor but as a thought leader in your space, how to generate high-quality leads at scale, where you can grab a bite to eat and hear these two going into much further detail in person and find out if you can podcast in the…

  • The Power of Hybrid Events, with guests Trae Stanley and Benjamin Jansen with Audion | Ep 48

    Mark and Matt learn how Trey, Benjamin and their company Audion bring in people from all over the world remotely, deliver high-quality video and audio and produce events that are part in person and part remote. Learn the power and reach of these hybrid events, what it takes to do it right, how to reduce…

  • Transition: Dealing with Sales Changes w/guest Michel Prive | Ep 47

    Mark and Matt have a great conversation with Michel Prive on why changes happen in the sales arena and what sales leaders need to do to reset their sales strategy, course correct their team\’s activity, and how to shift focus to the new status. All of which leads to new revenue and opportunities, if handled…

  • Virtual Showrooms with guests Ben and Jason from Quake Marketing Group | Ep 46

    Matt and Mark have a fascinating discussion with Ben and Jason with Quake Marketing Group, about their virtual showrooms. This is not what you\’re thinking, but a very easy and dynamic way to show off your company\’s products or services anywhere, at any time in a 3-dimensional space, that is ridiculously easy to understand. Think…

  • Account Based Marketing | Ep 45

    Mark and Matt are back with Todd and Ian with Fifth Ring, and explore ABM. What most people get wrong, how to do it right, the tech stack, storytelling and how to personalize your approach. All to ensure that you get the perfect story in front of your perfect prospect to drive sales. Todd Gregory…

  • Lack of Brand Awareness. What to Do About It | Ep 44

    Mark and Matt discuss what it takes to maintain a strong presence in the minds of your target audience, building brand loyalty and influencing your buyers, how to measure brand awareness, engaging with online communities and the importance of consistent branding elements. Plus, find out if Mark is considered an influencer or not. Brought to…

  • Owning the Space with Guests from Fifth Ring | Ep 43

    Mark and Matt sit down with Todd and Ian with Fifth Ring and discuss the ways to ensure your brand can clearly communicate what differentiates you from your competitors, why the low-price leader does not like being the low-price leader, and the joys of loss reviews. Todd Gregory Ian Ord Fifth Ring Brought to you…

  • Shortening the Sales Cycle | Ep 42

    Mark and Matt hang out at Buzz and Bites and discuss charging for scope creep, calendar technology, talking to the right person, how you should own and control the sales process, making it easy for your customer to buy, and how to be persistent without being aggravating. And they can’t help it, but they go…

  • The Pendulum has Swung Back with Guest Fifth Ring | Ep 41

    Mark and Matt sit down with Todd and Ian with Fifth Ring and discuss how the views and perception around oil and gas is changing both in the EU and the US, the importance of staying true to who you are, and how unexpectedly the renewable industry needs help with their messaging. Plus, Matt tries…

  • Trade Show Demos. How to Do It Right! | Ep 40

    Best practices on running demos at your trade show booth. What to do, what not to do and how to follow up. Plus, how to attract engineers to your booth AND we are now looking for a new sponsor for this podcast! Recorded live at: Thank You to or sponsoring our podcast pavilion! Brought to you…