First Friday Q&A on Oil and Gas This Week – OGTW169

Welcome back to another episode! This week’s episode is our First Friday Q&A for March. You ask the questions and we answer them. Big thanks to everyone who wrote in. If you want to get a question answered for next month’s FFQA, click the link below. Enjoy! Have a question? Click here to ask

Show Notes & Links:



Good morning. Love the show and am beyond grateful for the information and insights you provide as I’m new to the industry. I’ll leave a rave review on the podcast but first wanted to ask if you have any plans to come out to the Bay Area this year for a happy hour. Please let me know if so, and how I could help coordinate. 

I know someone in charge of P&A of a very small asset group in the Asia Pacific. He has over 900 wells that need P&A but it always gets pushed back to due industry climate. 

Worldwide, the amount of wells that need P&A would be astronomical & I assume they have the same problem regarding being pushed back.  

My question is eventually could this part of the industry be due for a huge boom for jobs?  

And a secondary question is that shale wells have majority of their production in their first 2 years. So how many years on average until a. shale well is not economical and needs abandoning? The amount of wells in the permian alone that would need abandoning at some point is huge. 

I recently had an opportunity to attend a flaring workshop hosted by Shell going into issues facing the industry. Shell claims they reduced 80% of flaring and are pushing other industry leaders to pursue that route. Where do you see flaring going into the future? 

You mention various attempts that activists use to indirectly halt the oil industry – from blocking pipelines to regulating water use to probably many other things. Is there an identifiable playbook that activists are running with that people outside the industry don’t understand? 

How much have these types of rules actually cut down on potential production/investment to date? It seems to me that CA will keep being CA and anti-oil & gas while Texas will keep being Texas and pro-development.. Where do you see the political risks coming from? Is it more that there is a risk that some harsh regulations could be applied at the federal level? 

Given my petroleum engineering degree/background, what advice would you give to me in my search to find a solid engineering position for an E&P? Or even a service company? 

Also, what kind of role do you believe will be the most useful down the line?

How I could get involved with the OGGN street team? 

I was wondering if you guys would be interested in wanting to do a podcast with CEO of a PE-backed E&P. Would love to get them some additional media coverage and give you guys an interesting discussion around the Powder River Basin. Please share your thoughts and look forward to your reply.  

 Love all the shows guys, Startups, Onshore, Industry Leaders, Legal Risk and the HSE. Although  somebody needs to rework the intros on the HSE show now that Russell is the new host




